Welcome to Our New Priest-in-Charge,
the Rev. Alan C. Murchie!
Glad tidings! The Wardens and Vestry are thrilled to announce that the Rev. Alan C. Murchie will join us this fall as St. Thomas’s new priest-in-charge. Alan, who was unanimously elected by the Vestry and appointed by Bishop Jeff Mello, impressed us with his infectious enthusiasm, deep pastoral sensibilities, rich bank of leadership experience, and compelling vision for St. Thomas’s future.
Alan’s first Sunday with us was August 25th, in advance of our Welcome Back Sunday on September 8th.
Alan joyously returns to St. Thomas’s, where he was seminarian, organist, and choirmaster from 2004–2007. Alan has returned to St. Thomas’s regularly over the years as guest musician, most recently as organist for our 175th Anniversary Concert. Since his ordination (held here at St. Thomas’s), Alan has served as priest in Stonington, Nichols Village (Trumbull), and West Hartford. Alan’s life in the church began early, at age 10, when he joined the St. Thomas Choir of Men and Boys in New York City. He has served as Director of Music at St. James’ Church, Madison Avenue; Church of the Advent Hope (NYC); Trinity, Southport; Christ’s Church, Rye; The Episcopal Church at Yale; and Berkeley Divinity School. Alan currently serves as Lecturer in Religious Studies and Music History at Fairfield University, where he has taught for twelve years. He is a graduate of St. Paul’s School in Concord NH, Yale College, and Yale Divinity School.
We hope that you will join us in offering Alan a warm welcome home this fall!